Synthetic data for faster AI development

Train and deploy a production ready computer vision model in no time. All you need is a simple 3D Model

Cost savings
0 %
More accurate detections
0 %
Faster Model development
0 x
Prior knowledge required

How does it work?

Your custom trained computer vision model using synthetic data for fast AI development in enterprises, four simple steps​

1. Upload CAD Data

Upload a CAD file or a 3D scan of the object you want use for training your computer vision model​

2. Choose AI model​

Depending on your application, choose the right AI model and architecture from our selection

3. Train​

By generating thousands of labelled images, we create the perfect training data set for your desired AI Model.

4. Deploy

After your model is trained, download it from our site. Our easy Python examples will show you how to integrate it in minutes.

Your benefits

Creating computer vision models is time consuming and expensive. Not with us!

We use synthetic data for fast AI development in enterprises.

Easy to use & without prior knowledge​

Upload your 3D / CAD data. Our automated pipeline takes care of the rest.

Absolutely perfectly labeled​

Synthetic images come pre-labeled and annotated, reducing the potential for human error.​

Unlimited data diversity​

Generate training data capturing edge-case scenarios, what-if situations, environmental variations and more.​



Up to 90% cost savings​

Generate massive datasets without breaking your budget, at a fraction of the cost of real-world data collection.​

Up to 30x faster model development​

Shorten training iteration cycles and accelerate deployment of computer vision models.​

Up to 30% more accurate detections​

Training with purely synthetic images or augmenting with a small sample of real images greatly improves your model performance.​

Supported AI Types

Complete Any
Computer Vision Task​

With SYNIO, you will not only be able to solve any task your ML project requires but do so with speed and accuracy like never before. Our online platform is designed to house all cutting-edge AI models for every problem imaginable. Ultimately, we want to even the playing field when it comes to who has access to computer vision technology.

Object Detection

Object detection is the task of detecting instances of objects of a certain class within an image.

6D Pose Estimation​

6D pose estimation is the task of detecting the 6D pose of an object, which include its location and orientation. This is an important task especially in robotic tasks.

Instance Segmentation​

Instance segmentation is the task of detecting and delineating each distinct object of interest appearing in an image.

Semantic Segmentation​

Semantic segmentation, or image segmentation, is the task of clustering parts of an image together which belong to the same object class. 

Industry Use Cases

Flexible Robotic Assembly

Quality Inspection

Robotic Picking, Sorting & Kitting

Warehouse & Retail


Questions? We have the answers.

If a question is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. The FAQs will be extended continuously.

Synthetic data is a cost-effective and efficient way to generate data for training machine learning models. Unlike real data, which can be expensive and time-consuming to collect, synthetic data is generated by algorithms and is therefore readily available. In addition, synthetic data is not subject to the same privacy concerns as real data, as it is fully anonymous and cannot be traced back to individuals. Synthetic data is also more flexible than real data, as it can be generated to include edge cases and rare events that might not be captured in real-world data sets. As a result, synthetic data help our machine learning models to achieve higher levels of accuracy.

We support the .OBJ (Wavefront) format. We plan to extend our support to multiple CAD formats. Most CAD software support export in .OBJ format. If you experience any trouble in conversion to .OBJ we will be happy to help – send an e-mail to our support and we will assist.

The supported models are YOLO5 and Mask R-CNN. We are working on adding support for additional popular models.
The trained models can be downloaded in PyTorch compatible format (.PT). Within the downloaded package you can find example code that demonstrates how to load the model and run inference.

Our direct support e-mail address is:

Cad engineer working with 3D software

How to Convert a CAD Model to an OBJ

You have CAD models instead of OBJ files? We’ll provide you with tips and tricks for converting your CAD models to OBJs so you can take advantage of all that Synio has to offer.


We generate thousands of perfectly annotated, computer-generated synthetic images and use them to automatically train your custom ML model.



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